Saturday, May 2, 2015


God knows the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10). He has a complete knowledge of all future events. We would expect, therefore, that ALL of God’s predictions would be totally accurate and would come to pass exactly as predicted.  By the literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the Bible proves that it has to be God's Word.  Here are just a few examples of God’s predictions and their precise fulfillment:

1) God predicted that the temple in Jerusalem would be totally destroyed (Mt. 24:2). About 40 years later this was literally fulfilled as the Romans destroyed the temple under Titus.

2) God predicted to Abraham that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years (Gen. 15:13). Several generations later, following the death of Joseph, this was literally fulfilled beginning in Exodus Chapter One. 

3) God. through Daniel. even while he was a captive in the Babylonian Empire, predicted the coming world empires of Persia, Greece and Rome (Daniel 2, Daniel 7, etc.).  Because of his accuracy, unbelieving "scholars" have insisted that the Book of Daniel must have been written at a much later date, after Rome conquered Israel.  However, the Greek version of the Old Testament, written about 200 B.C., contains the book! 

4) In 1 Kings 13:2 God predicted that a man would be born in the line of David by the name of Josiah. The book of 1 Kings was written three centuries before Josiah’s birth!

5) In Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1 God predicted that a future Persian king would come on the scene by the name of Cyrus. Yet Isaiah wrote this more than 100 years before Cyrus was even born! This is one reason why unbelieving Bible scholars insist that Isaiah could not have written these chapters.  They use the same argument that they use for the Book of Daniel:  because no one in Isaiah’s day could have known about this future ruler. But God knows!

Countless other examples proving the authenticity of the Bible as being God's Word.  This is especially true of ALL of the prophecies about the Lord Jesus Christ’s first coming which were literally fulfilled. For example, Micah, writing 700 years before His birth, predicted that God’s King would be born in an insignificant town called Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2)! This would be analogous to a man living 200 years before Columbus predicting in which town President Bush would be born!

Conclusion: The Scriptures contain predictions of future events uttered long before they transpired, events that no mere human sagacity or foresight could have anticipated. These predictions are so detailed, minute and specific as to exclude the possibility that they were mere guesses. The only sane explanation for them is that the predictions came from God who knows all future events and who is never wrong in His predictions.
Only the Bible can be trusted to guide sinners to the Savior!

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